Department of Political Science is a prominent Humanities department in Shri Shiv –Shahu Mahavidyalaya, Sarud With a distinguished faculty; the department is committed to providing a comprehensive education in political science to its BA students. The discipline of Political Science has both academic and socio-political significance. It enables students to make sense of political reality of the region, country and the world. It equips them with the ability to analyze cross-cutting and current issues in a well-informed and grounded manner. It also makes them upholders of universal principles of justice. The department tries to imbibe in students these qualities through its curriculum and activities. We actively facilitate visits to local self-government institutions, enabling students to gain practical insights into their functioning. Furthermore, we regularly host debates and discussion of important issues of regional, national and global importance.

Over the years, our department has played a pivotal role in preparing students for diverse professions upon completing their BA here. It has produced many civil servants, teachers, and police and army recruits. The progression of department students into post graduation, research and Law is good. 

As we look ahead, the department wishes to continue its tradition of quality and further its goal of producing learned and thinking individuals with a social commitment at the end of their graduation. We are determined to adapt to new changes in the education sector, pedagogy, industry and the world and sustain and nurture ethical practices of teaching learning while doing so.